Royston (Iceni) Weather Station (1972/2013)

Situated at

Latitude 52° 03'N

Longitude 0° 0'W

Height above mean sea-level 78 metres

The weather station is located near the foot of the East Anglian Heights on the eastern edge of the market town of Royston in the county of Hertfordshire, Great Britain. It is approximately 65 km north of London and 20 km south-west of Cambridge, and lies just a few hundred metres inside the Western Hemisphere, and close to the Hertfordshire/Cambridgeshire county boundary.

Therfield Heath, Royston

Click below to access the following pages......

Daily Weather Observations (Historical)

About....Royston (Iceni) Weather Station

30 Year Temperature and Rainfall Means  Daily   Monthly

30 Year Temperature and Rainfall Extremes

30 Year Seasonal Temperature, Rainfall and Pressure Means:  Winter   Spring  Summer   Autumn

The incredible heatwave of 23rd June/8th July 1976

Royston Rainfall from 1853

News......from Royston (Iceni) Weather Station

Data available by E-Mail file attachment

Royston Cave.....centuries of refuge from the weather?

About.....photographs on this site

Global warming.....has it reached Royston yet?

The Great Storm of 16th October 1987 in Royston

Volcano! Mount Pinatubo reaches out to Royston

Annual Summaries (with graphs & charts):

1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009

2010    2011    2012

Site maintained by Richard Barker, Met. Observer, Royston (Iceni) Weather Station. Comments welcome.